Tuesday, April 19, 2011

computer training

Computer Training

One of the best decisions you can ever make is to attend a computer training school.  Making the decision to attend a computer tech school can be one of the best decisions of your life.  The decision to attend a computer training school is one of the most important you'll ever make, and even more important is which one to attend. 

- The school you’re planning to attend for computer training should be certified so you’ll be assured of the quality of teaching that you’ll get from them.  Being required to pay thousands of dollars on tuition does not guarantee the quality of computer training, some others may be offered at an affordable price and with online payment facilities, but once again it is not the price what determines the quality of the content, although cost may have an impact when deciding to purchase one or another.  A few of the basic ingredients that make computer based training programs great computer software is high quality, easy to understand and follow, not requiring boring books to read or attendance to expensive classrooms, but a video training designed by professional skilled trainers running on your own computer. 

One of the many benefits of computer training is that it can be accelerated by an entire team at no extra charge most of the time, and some great computer training is designed to offer computer based training by modules, or by specific products and procedures, all accomplished in just a few hours.  In a computer based flight training program, students can learn about aircraft supplies or just take the pilot training course designed for learning at affordable price, but simulating all the situations that a real airplane will face while crossing the sky.  But when the company offering computer training classes and computer based training only displays as reference that they can provide you with hundreds of PC computing courses to cover all areas of learning to operate software applications, then it is more likely that such company is a computer training reseller. 

From creative computer based training to IT training, CD-Rom software can be combined with interactive online courses and tests to round the individuals' learning experience.  Although some companies do not have a web server of their own or cannot afford the licensing to own computer-training software, a CD-Rom is the perfect answer to offer their employers a computer based training experience.  Find out if the computer rental company has any experience with the classroom training hardware and software you need. 

Even if you own all the equipment you need for a computer training session you will save money by using the installation services of a computer rental company.  From the cashier ringing up our lunch to the meter reader making the rounds in the neighborhood every month for the gas company, computers have invaded everywhere!  Computer training was once perceived as a way to open up some pretty impressive doors.  Now?  I promise I am not digressing from the topic of computer training, because the above two paragraphs apply exactly to how folk feel when attending a computer training session for the first time. 

When you're attending a computer training school, you must avoid the mentality that some other students will have - "I gotta go to school, I gotta be here, I can't wait to leave and go home".  Well, you can always find time for computer training after you get laid-off and don’t have to worry about that irritating job thing for awhile - after all, it does eat up 40 hours a week (or more).  - Lastly, you must look for computer training schools that offer reasonable training costs and fees. 

Both, integrated learning and computer training courses offer almost any conceivable subject to any age individuals or as a service to businesses and educational entities so they can offer this facility directly to the people who want or need to learn.  You want classes that offer hands-on experience during class, and you should be able to get into the computer labs after class.  Building and repairing computers is not a glamorous job, but when people bring their computers in to be repaired, they probably count on you more than on anyone else in the computer industry, and that has to be a great feeling.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Computer Consulting

Computer Consulting

If you want to be financially stable and have a successful and legitimate computer consulting business you have to work on honing your intuition skills and focusing on a specialty.  If you really want to make a decent living and want to have a good, successful, viable computer consulting business, sooner or later you have to narrow down your focus and develop a keen intuition.  If you are starting a small business computer consulting firm, you should know that the small business accounts that have 10 to 50 PC’s are going to have at least one branch office. 

In starting your computer consulting business you will want to target potential clients that have 10 to 50 PC’s.  If you determine that potential clients for your computer consulting business have no dedicated server, Internet access or are using peer-to-peer or dial-up lines, they probably are not going to be able to use your services.  If a prospect for your computer consulting business doesn’t have a dedicated server, dedicated Internet access or they’re messing around with peer to peer and dial-up lines, they’re probably not for you. 

If your computer consulting business prospect uses no other feature in your proposed networking solution besides centrally managed, shared, secure high-speed Internet access, the prospect’s networking investment would pay for itself within a matter of months.  So in reality, the prospect really can already "afford" your computer consulting business’ proposed networking solution as you’ve shown how consolidated Internet access will bring about a return on investment in a matter of months.  And don't forget, that right in your local area, there are probably already be tons (at least hundreds, if not thousands) of leads and prospects for you that have real computer consulting needs, are used to paying for professional computer consulting-related services, and have at least semi-realistic expectations about the price-tag on professional computer consulting services. 

If your computer consulting business is large enough that you have both senior-level and technician-level staff, you’re probably already doing a great job of directing workload to the right personnel.  If you have one particular computer consulting client that is your bread and butter, meaning that that’s the one who’s actually paying the bills, what you probably have is a part-time job.  If you walk in and you have a one o’clock appointment and they make you sit around in the waiting room for 15 or 20 minutes, unless there’s a real bona fide emergency, your wait time probably won't decrease once you actually have them as a computer consulting client. 

Don't take the only excess time that you have in a given week and devote it to servicing just those smaller computer consulting clients who are probably not going to grow substantially bigger over the next year or two.  If you have enough time to devote to the marketing of your computer consulting business and servicing your sweet spot clients, So to the extent that you have time to do all this and you can fit it all in, that’s fine.  As a small business computer consulting firm, you will want to take a third of the gross and plow it into sales and marketing. 

Once small businesses get to the high end of that revenue range, where they start having substantially more than 50 PCs, or substantially more than $10 million in annual sales, often the small business owners lean towards putting a real, salaried IT person on payroll instead of using a small business computer consulting professional.  Prospects of this size are used to using professional technology providers and this isn’t the first time they’ve had to hire a small business computer consulting firm.  In this article, you've been introduced to the basics of why to hire a computer consulting business and what computer consulting businesses can do for your company. 

In this article, we'll look at what your small business computer consulting company can do to protect itself against freeloaders and other time and financial leaches.  Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, is a 15-year veteran of small business computer consulting and an internationally recognized expert on small business computer consulting.  Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, helps computer consulting business owners get more steady, high-paying clients. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

flat screen computer monitors

flat screen computer monitors
If you own a computer monitor, and you purchased it in the last couple years, more than likely you have a flatscreen monitor.  For those of you that do not have a flatscreen monitor, here are a couple of reasons that you should upgrade to a flatscreen monitor.  It will not only increase your happiness with your monitor because of the increased clarity that you see, but it will also save you power and in the long run the health of your eyes.

Computer monitors are a necessity today.  Just 10 years ago, computers were fairly scarce throughout the modern world.  20 years ago they were an item that was usually purchased by the rich and famous and that had very little capabilities in regard to connecting with others across the world.  The Internet has made that a possibility and computer monitors are to the computer what the telephone receiver is to the phone.

One of the best investments that you can make is a flatscreen monitor them.  There are several reasons for this.  First of all, if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, you will notice that your eyes will hurt after a period of several hours.  Not that this is unusual for staring at something for a considerable amount of time, but a flatscreen monitor makes it easier on your eyes.  The curvature of a regular monitor makes your eyes process the data in a different way which causes early fatigue.  Therefore, for the health of your eyes, you are better off to get a flatscreen monitor.

Computer monitors were at some point a very difficult item to store in the home, especially if you were trying to place it on your desk.  Many people bought those desks that have a hole in them where you could play sure monitor near your feet and look down.  That was a necessity for people that needed more space on their desk.  With the advent of the flatscreen computer monitor, this is no longer an issue due to the width of the monitor being very manageable.

An LCD flatscreen computer monitor is probably your best bet if you are a gamer and enjoy looking at spectacular graphics on your computer monitor.  There are many people that could care less about the computer itself, just as long as they can get the clarity that they deserve on their computer monitor screen.  LCD monitors can be a bit more pricey but as computer monitors advance, that which was expensive two years ago is now affordable for the common person.

Choosing a computer monitor for size is probably a good decision depending upon where you place it in the home.  For instance, if this is a personal monitor and a very small room, then a 17 inch monitor would probably be fine.  That's about the size of a typical screen on a laptop.  For those of you with a computer in the main household which is accessible to many that sit around it from time to time, a 19 inch or 21 inch monitor is probably your best bet for the convenience of the family or those that you that with.

Computer monitors are a choice of preference depending upon who is purchasing the computer.  However if there are many people in your family, especially those that may have particular eye problems or if space is an issue, be sure to talk it over with everyone in the household that will be using the computer to make it the most convenient for all parties involved.  The clarity of the computer monitor is a necessity, though, that I do not think that anyone would complain about if you get the best one for the right price.